Mirjam Guesgen

Freelance Science Writer

I am a freelance science writer currently based in Toronto, Canada, with a particular interest in animal welfare.

I love communicating complex, scientific ideas in an engaging, balanced, thought-out and informative way.

Filtering by Category: Opinion,Opinion

The Election and animals Part II

The picture painted by animal rights groups of animals in scientific research is one of total chaos, where the use of animals is unregulated, uses crazy procedures and huge numbers of animals. Such groups (and apparently also 88% of New Zealanders) see a total ban on using animals in research as the best solution. But is this the best, or even only, way?

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The Election and animals Part I

The General Election is a time when we need to think about which issues are important to us. For me, one of the issues I’m interested in is animal welfare. I am disappointed however, at the scare-mongering and lack of understanding surrounding animal welfare issues in New Zealand to the point where I think it has now gotten out of hand.

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